THE workshop for Coaches, Healers, Consultants and Agency Owners who want to make CONSISTENT $10-15k months, every single month.

If getting to six figures has felt like a total mystery, if you’ve found yourself confused, frustrated, or burnt out, feeling like you’re doing “all the right things,” but still aren’t hitting those consistent $10-15k months, you’re in luck…

Because you have just stumbled across an incredible opportunity to learn THE Formula for hitting six figures in a coaching, healing, or consulting business- for FREE.


I remember what it felt like when I started my coaching business back in 2014 -

I had NO IDEA what I was doing, struggled with serious self-doubt and imposter syndrome, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say I shed a LOT of tears… like… a LOT.

But then I started to notice something…

When I put my time and energy into very specific areas of my business, clients started saying YES to me almost every time I extended the invitation to work together.

My programs became much easier to sell, and my confidence grew.

Less than a year later, once I started focusing on the right things, my business hit six figures, my programs sold out, and I started helping my clients do the same.

Here’s the thing:

There is SO MUCH NOISE on the internet that can make it very confusing to know what’s what when it comes to building a business from the ground up.

Being an epic coach doesn’t make you automatically epic at business, and that’s where I come in.

Over the years since starting my business, I have helped hundreds of people hit their first $10k+ months, and I want to show you how we did it- FOR FREE.

In Six Figure Formula, I pull back the curtain and teach the content that I normally reserve only for my high end mastermind clients-

Because the truth is, getting to those consistent 10k+ months is a FORMULA.

It’s not magic, it’s not your money mindset, and it’s not “just for business coaches.”

Instead, it’s a strategic, step-by-step process, where you build out the foundation for a six figure business.

For seven years I ran a mastermind where I taught my clients how to hit six figures-

Every. Single. Client. who implemented the Formula I developed hit that number.

Over the years coaching hundreds of clients through this process,  I perfected the formula-

And for the first time ever, I’m teaching it.

Introducing, Six Figure Formula. THE workshop for coaches, healers, consultants, and agency owners who want to get off of the income roller coaster, and learn how to consistently make $10-15k+, every single month.


Are you going to hit six figures just from the workshop?


Let’s be serious here, friends. 😉

But what I CAN promise, is that you will be crystal clear on where to put your time, attention, energy, and money moving forward, to guarantee that you’re doing the right things to help you hit six figures and beyond.

You will ALSO be crystal clear on where you’re currently wasting time, spinning your wheels, and making investments that don’t make sense for where your business is at.

And just in case you're feeling a little side eye about my use of the word "Formula" and worried that this is going to be just another B.S. cookie-cutter, "Just do what I did" approach to business, allow me to explain...

Every single successful business has the same elements at its core- which make up THE Formula to consistent $10-15k+ months in your business. YOU as the Self-Expressed epic CEO of your company get to choose how you adapt this formula so it feels totally aligned to who you are, and what you want to create in the world.


Six Figure Formula is for any coach, healer, consultant, or service-based business owner who wants to learn a proven method to effectively build a business to consistent $10-15k+ months, every single month. Whether you're brand new to business and have no idea where to start, or you've been around for a while and are eager for a biz basics refresher, this is for you!

Over the years, I've coached hundreds of people to their first six and multiple six figures- all the way from making their first dollar as a coach, to multiple-six figure launches.

The strategies and coaching that I'm offering in Six Figure Formula are meant to meet you where you're at- whether that's aiming for your first ever high-end client, or having your first six-figure year.


Here's What You're Going to Learn:


I'll Show You How to Magnetize Your Ideal Clients Who Are Ready to Invest.

Isn't it Time You
Owned Your Corner of the Internet?!

If you want to get more clients organically without ads, you'll love this session!


Learn How to Create the Programs Your DREAM Clients Want to Buy, and Sell Them With Complete Confidence.

I'll share the difference between the programs that get crickets, and the ones that sell out!


Learn the Biz Model that will take you out of the hustle, and into Consistent $10-15k+ Months, Every Single Month.

(And finally understand the difference between what's a money mindset problem, and what's a practical/biz model problem!)


Hi, I'm Emily Utter, Rock Star Business Coach, and self-proclaimed Queen of Sales & Self-Expression. I run a solid, kickass practice teaching brilliant coaches just like you how to have epic businesses and lifestyles, using the equally epic formula I developed.

I'm obsessed with the connection between badass marketing and messaging that attracts high level clients, the perfectly aligned offer, and knowing how to show up like a rockstar every time you're selling and launching.

When all of these pieces are working together, your business will see incredible shifts, and quickly!

I'm so excited to share this with you in Six Figure Formula!

Check out all the badass things my clients have to say about my coaching!

"Thanks to the step-by-step strategies Emily teaches, I not only broke 6-figures this year, but I had a 6-figure sales month. Emily's coaching is clear, direct and strategic.

If you follow the very specific steps and strategies that Emily lays out, you WILL get kickass results." - Deborah Fryer

"When I met Emily, I was speaking to tons of potential clients, but embarrassingly NONE had ever said yes to working with me (yes, you read that right: I had made ZERO dollars in my coaching business when I found Emily!) 

Thankfully Emily quickly kicked my butt, and showed me EXACTLY what to do, and 90 days later, I had completely sold out my private coaching and was selling packages for $12,000. Thank you Emily for teaching me how to grow my business in a way that is not creepy, pushy, or gross." - Jade Brewer 

"Emily's business training transformed my business. I had my first 10k month, just one month after putting her strategies in practice.  

I worked through a ton of my own money mindset issues that have plagued me for years. I raised my prices (and feel great about it). I now feel like a “real” business owner.

Perhaps most importantly, I show up more powerfully with my clients." - Caroline Adams, Transformational Leadership and Career Coach 

"Thanks to Emily’s tools to tweak to my offer, pricing and packaging, I doubled my income in 60 days, and had my first 10k+ months. (Before meeting Emily, I LITERALLY didn’t even know that was possible!) Emily’s teachings helped me get out of my own BS. Thanks to Emily, I’ve signed folks I never would have signed in the past, and I’ve done it with generosity and ease." - Giselle Allen, Mindset Coach

"Thanks to Emily, I doubled my rates, had my first 10k month, and profoundly changed my mindset around sales!" - Brigette Iarruso, Founder of Embrace Change

"After learning the biz basics from Emily, I tripled my income, paid off $15,000 of debt, and created sustainable recurring income. Aside from the obvious financial benefits, the amazing thing was that I could finally relax, which meant I was able to really focus on the joy of helping my clients.  
- Sandra Possing, Life Coach

"After assessing my business at the end of 2016, I realized that one thing was holding me back from being able to help more people: Sales skills. 

After interviewing her on my podcast, I hired Emily to help me with my business, and hit 6 figures this year! It's so rad when people say "Thank you so much, here is my credit card, I can't wait to work with you." - Derek Loudermilk

"Before I participated in Emily’s training program, I was offering free coaching sessions and hoping that people would hire me because the coaching was good. I didn’t like sales because I was worried that “sales” meant slimy used car-salesman type manipulation.  

Soon after learning sales from Emily, I had 3 sales calls in a row and all three potential clients said yes to long-term programs. 

I no longer have to worry about money. I know I can take care of my family. I have a legit business and I now have the skills to grow it as big as I want it to be. I’m not nervous anymore when I get on the phone with a potential client.”— Christina B.

We are a mission-driven company and work strictly with heart-centered entrepreneurs- those whose businesses are designed to make a difference for people and the environment.

As a company, we strive to be anti-racist and build anti-racist communities. We fully support and advocate for Black Lives Matter, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ rights. In our programs and online series, we welcome all genders, all identities, all people.

© 2021 | Emily Utter Coaching